Kristin Ecklund

Kristin EcklundKristin Ecklund is a Spiritual Healer and Channel, and Creator of SPIRIT SPEAKS and LIVE YOUR DESTINY. Her mission as a healer is to help you release vibrational blockages so that you are able to experience more joy, ease, grace and glory in your life! Kristin is incredibly gifted at elevating your awareness of what’s absolutely true for you — beneath all the exterior ways you’ve seen yourself – so that you can finally unlock what’s been holding you back from feeling good and being connected to a brilliant higher power within yourself.

Kristin has witnessed incredible transformations with people from all walks of life. Much of her early interest in facilitating healing with others stems from her own personal experience overcoming “clinical depression,” something that doctors told her was impossible to do without a lifetime of medication. She gained a profound awareness of the power of energetic and vibrational healing, particularly from engaging one’s WILL to heal.

Kristin believes that we are all able to heal, and the only thing that really holds us back is our UNCONSCIOUS unwillingness to allow for the healing! We hold ourselves back without knowing or wanting to…and once the space is provided to LET GO, we create room to heal. It’s truly that simple. What’s incredible and profound is how we can be engaging our will to ALLOW FOR illness – physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or psychically – without consciously intending to do so!

Kristin’s particular gift is finding the ways in which you hold yourself back from healing and experiencing joy in your life, AND helping you gain awareness of this bizarre phenomenon so that you can make powerful choices to change…let go, release and redirect your WILL to have even more good feeling experiences in your life.

Kristin specializes in facilitating deep, lasting inner change. She has a laser-focused ability to attune to places and parts within you that hold deeply entrenched, unhealthy beliefs and patterns and then transform them…melting them away…so that you can feel the way you want and have the life that you deserve.

“Kristin is able to find that hidden pea lurking in the mattress that makes everything else feel ‘off,’ and then she makes it go away. I feel as if a heavy burden has been lifted in the process.

Kristin has a natural gift for attuning to places that may seem out of reach or nearly impossible to change. These are often places that hold non-conscious information about who you are, and they are almost always false. These are potent, though, because they govern feelings and behaviors that seem beyond your control, and they manifest life in ways that are often opposite of the very thing that you want. Kristin helps you gain access to these and other parts of yourself to allow you to release long-held patterns of limitations and ways of being, all the time following the lead of YOUR internal highest guidance. Kristin has dedicated her life to bringing healing, light and understanding into the world as we all undergo these times of powerful and tremendous change and growth.

Have more. Be more. Love more.

Kristin can help you:

HEAL and TRANSFORM parts within you that limit or block your potential

Attain PEACE and BALANCE amidst the storm




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Click to receive your Complimentary Laser Session.

Kristin is generously gifting a complimentary laser session to 20 people. Target in on a specific issue—emotional, physical or spiritual—and receive assistance facilitating healing. This type of work is ordinarily not offered in a complimentary session so it’s a rare opportunity!






Looking for a replay of  “Are you willing to be happier than you ever thought possible?” with Kristin Ecklund?

Upgrade to receive the entire teleseminar series in a set of nine downloadable MP3s, plus Your Healing Toolkit and a gift from each of our facilitators. In the spirit of the gift, YOU choose the value to you.

Find out more here.