My Story

Col McGunnigle“We seek not rest but transformation.
We are dancing through each other as doorways.”

— Marge Piercy


Opening up …

Until recently, only a select few people knew about my journey of healing. If they did know, it meant they were so very special that I let them peek into my world.

Now I’m trying on vulnerability, opening my arms and letting everyone else into my world too, with the intention that you may see something of yourself in my story and that we each benefit in the shared experience.

Maybe you’ll receive a tidbit of “something to try in xyz situation” or maybe you’ll just feel joined. Either way, it’s good.

If this resonates with you, welcome. I’m happy to have you here!

What I didn’t want anybody to know …

For many years I’ve experienced neurological issues, debilitating fatigue and waves of severe pain, unpredictably and seemingly out of the blue … and I never knew why. In 2011, I discovered that all along I’ve had a pretty serious illness. Surprise!

By the way, I don’t consider any of this to be “bad” … I see it as a crazy wild ride … mysterious, challenging, sometimes confusing but always growth provoking and unbelievably expanding.

I’ve experienced things I couldn’t have even begun to imagine and encountered untold kindness and magic along my journey.

Of course, many times I cry but mostly I laugh … mostly I embrace the possibilities and see the gifts that it’s brought into my world. I view tears as a release, then we get to the fun. Laughter holds such a high vibration and I can get playful with almost any scenario.

Judging …

At first, I didn’t know how a person who was experiencing these things could possibly participate fully in life. And I didn’t want anyone to know about it, for fear they’d think I wasn’t capable of doing things. (And hey, the truth is, often I’m *not* doing the things others do.)

But I judged myself and what was going on with me. (Any of this sound familiar?)

  • “I should be able to do this or that.”
  • “My life should look like xyz.”
  • “Someone who is the magnificent manifestor that I am should not be experiencing these things.”

For a while there, I was shoulding like crazy! Have you ever felt like that?

A bit about the magic …

Me, I always look for the magic in each situation. And I could sit here for days, weeks or months sharing with you all of the gifts that this seemingly unwanted occurrence has brought into my world.

Am I a magnificent manifestor? Absolutely! And you are too.

Fixing me (and you!)

News Flash: You don’t need to be fixed! For real. There will be no judging and no fixing of any kind. That’s not at all what this is about.

I’m all about uncovering what’s already bright and beautiful inside of you, excavating the gifts, embracing your life as it is now, creating what you’d like to dance with next and infusing even more joy into your journey.

Sound good?

So let’s do this!

If you’re on a journey of healing … whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual or whatever else … I’d love to join hands.

It would make me so happy to share with you all of the people who have helped me along the way … in hopes that you’ll find something in the fun and the tools and processes we are going to share … something to take along with you on your journey and cherish forever.

We’re all in this together, right?

  • Dive into my Magical Medical Mystery Tour teleseminar series … for processes, tools and techniques for transformation and healing.
  • Visit my Adventures in Joy blog … to cook, create, explore or just smile … all with a focus on healing.
  • Help me heal and in exchange, receive some of my intuitive expressionism art.

With love and joy,