Your journey of healing is a gift.
Whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual … if you’re on a journey of healing, hear what my heart says to yours …
There is nothing wrong. You are perfect!
Healing is not about fixing. You are not broken. It’s about remembering who you are and coming home to yourself. It’s about growth and transformation and living your best life. Whatever that looks like for you.
An opportunity to explore …
Your journey of healing represents a tap on the shoulder … opening up opportunities for you to look at which places are calling out to you … places where you can choose to grow and expand … to explore and evolve.
Here’s my intention
I’d like to share with you a medley of processes and techniques for transformation and healing … tools which have strengthened, empowered and filled me with love along my journey … people I’d like to share with you because they have helped me. People I believe can help you too. Listen … take it all in … and choose which tools resonate with you. Put these in your pocket and take them along with you on your own journey of love and healing … body, mind and spirit. I call it my Magical Medical Mystery Tour … because that feels more playful and empowering than any of the other phrases I’ve heard. (One book I read kept repeatedly referring to “this fatal illness” … Really? Who writes these things?) Together we’ll transform pain into an impish character in your story … medical procedures into opportunities for forgiveness … old wounds into openings to love and connection … and the whole entire experience into … well, magic!
Meet Our Facilitators
Session One

Choosing Vibrant Well-Being
Experience unparalleled freedom, expansiveness and joy around the topic of health!
Session Two

Your Body Has a Mind of Its Own, and it’s Not Where You Think It Is
A 21st century yet deeply mystical process for harnessing the Mind that Heals
Session Three

Higher to Higher-Self Conversations
The infinite intelligence, magic and power you long for is sitting right inside of you. Learn to unlock the door to ideas, extreme joy, abundance, more fun than you’ve ever had.
Session Four

Follow Your Passion, Find Your Power
Dispel the misconceptions and myths about the Law of Attraction and discover a practical, easy-to-use program for creating abundance and happiness.
Session Five

Re-perceiving “Illness”: Your Body Is Flawless!
Making peace with your current physical status—no matter what it is—is the first step to healing. Together we’ll learn to see the gift of your “illness” as the catalyst for change.
Session Six

Is There a Magic Bullet? Discovering Your Power to Heal
Join us for this empowering visit into your Inner Being and experience the Self who is always, already healed!
Session Seven

Embodying a Different Reality
What if changing your point of view can create a totally different possibility for you and your body, and allow you to be the catalyst for change you truly be?
Session Eight

Are you willing to be happier than you ever thought possible?
Align with your higher WILL to be the brilliant being you truly be!
Session Nine

Tapping into Vibrant Health
Many agree that the mind and body are connected, and true health must encompass both. Learn a simple yet powerful way to nurture yourself in body, mind and spirit.
Receive absolutely FREE …
- Wisdom, tools and techniques from 9 of the top transformation facilitators
of our time - 9 empowering live audio sessions (60 min each) every Wednesday evening for 3 months
- 3-day free replays (Miss a session? Want to listen again? No problem! Order
The Healing Toolkit: Your Passport to Adventure!)
Join me for a uniquely transformational experience …
I’m delighted to share with you some of the things which are helping me
on my own journey of love and healing! These tools are both fun and empowering.
How does it get any better than that?
Love and laughter,